>Wellcome! You like the breath of Life?...

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new Game of the Life

              new Rebirth 1

By everything,
engaged in creativity,
now in love, loving sometime
The submitted here works,
are selected specially for
first acquaintance.

     >Prayer 1


              >Prayer 2


     >Prayer 3


              >Prayer 4

About this project CRYMIRE

My name is Krayushkin Alexander,
this project was born,
as idea to touch the novel,
Maximum Beginning Existing
through the creative relation to the world.
On a professional education I the doctor.

On the experience I can tell,
that the new,
creative ways of interaction
between the people - are necessary,
than they are now,
as that - direct sale and purchase.
This it depends freedom and happiness
of a human sort as kind.

Especially it would be desirable to note,
that as against music for entertainment,
given music,
faster music for a consolation,
the calm of alarms,
the torment of souls human.

It is music for considering frailty
of real in this world,
for an opportunity re-trying to find
the sense of the rule.
It is the bridge to sincerity
of the man,
which is in the sleeping
or not realized status.
In some sort,

I see creation of this music,
as manufacture of some pills,
medicine for mind.
Having accepted, one such pill per day
it is possible,
to try to feel changes in the life.

It happens,
that when absolutely sorely
in life at the man,
it goes in a temple,
is asked to the God,
is cleared incerely and spiritually.
And, leaving,
it feels changes of a sincere status,
the purification,
removal of a cargo,
which pulled
and pulled in death.

Such statuses,
I have embodied in the works,
has written down what
and you could listen,
join on what probably
simply there is no time,
in our urban life,
such sated informational,
such emotional,
frequently injuring the heart.

If you want to understand,
that the silence of internal rest means,
as the silence CRYMIRE can sound,
then download and listen up.


If you very much would like to dream,
to have a rest from vanity of urban life,
there is nothing easier.

It is possible to not leave at all for city.
It is easier
to insert all in CD player
ambient compositions,
to close your eyes,
to be given back
to the world of dreams,
goods, and Universal of love.

If you have not understood something
during listening,
then business what to understand
nothing it is necessary.
All business in sounds,
in their volume,
beauty of experience.

You see the sounds
live by the life.
It is the mysterious world,
magic birds,
unearthly plants,
mountain flows,
and vivifying of energy expiring from
the centre of universe.

It is necessary or to accept,
whether or not.
But in such case, that is if not to accept spirit,
vested in a sound,
you will lose in the life very much.
Will lose incomprehensible seconds,
extreme of experiences,
life present,
worth that her to live,
to pass up to the end.

You present that - astronaut,
and you really by him will be.
And by and large to account,
all of us on this ground astronauts,
only have forgotten,
and many never
and did not know about it.

let strings of sounds
flow through your body,
through your consciousness,
enriching you each second,
each instant.

What such is emotion?

The emotions,
experience first of all are of energy.
Mental energy penetrating all around,
we live among them,
we by them are.
Also there is no greater happiness
to live the life full,
with the maximal comprehension
of the existence.
Each turn,
unusual situation
occurring to you
are keys to a solution of secret:
what for you here?

" Who has sent you here and what for? "
And whether frequently you set to yourselves
these questions?
About what?
Yes, about sense of the life?
Not so, yes.
And it and is simple,
and difficultly simultaneously.

"To know the way and to pass it is not same ".

I invite you in a way.
In a thorny path,
so making the way
through the experiences,
each of you can a little bit
have a look in itself,
in I, and it is possible,
even, will receive
the answer to the question.
You have questions?
Certainly is,
differently you now
would not read these lines.

So, in a way!


Once man has opened eyes,
has made the first breath and exhalation.
in process of the development,
at the man have appeare
d and evolve the most
thin and most gentle feelings.

What it for feelings,
is asked by you?
Traditional science
and medicine do not recognize,
at the present moment,
finally and irrevocably,
fact of inseparability of consciousness
from the environmental world,
that which we each day
test by the sense organs.

The traditional science -
is science accessible to
the majority of the people,
understandable different social groups,
is limited to itself,
own definitions and explanations,
thus she can not,
and can never, explain inscrutability
and secret of consciousness of the man.

The riddle of consciousness lays
in the definition of this concept:
this concerning to process of knowledge,
the credit,
thus closely connected with our feelings.
In most cases knowledge
is accompanied by invisible components,
so-called presentiments, various opinions,
beginning from doubts and fears,
up to faith and self-sacrifice.
In the given review
we can not describe structure of consciousness,
as it is impossible now describe structure
of ideas of the people.

what it would be desirable
especially to specify to
the unsophisticated reader,
that all in this world
has the form both seen,
and invisible.
The seen form can be described
by the mathematical formulas,
and invisible,
as it is impossible better,
musical designs.
In it is made both beauty,
and attractiveness of sound fluctuations
for human soul.
Similar is drawn to similar,
and from here it is possible
to make one remarkable conclusion,
that " what songs - such we! ".

The base part of the basic theory
of consciousness stated,
as musical compositions,
is offered to your attention.
On a course of progress
from the first key up to the last,
in your mind there will be smoothly
some metamorphosis,
however, completely painless
and harmless,
but it is possible to guarantee
certain therapeutic effect
expressed in removal of stress
and an intellectual pressure,
if those took place.

At last,
it would be desirable to note,
that the force of music
in our vague time
up to the end is not open,
but also it would be desirable to trust,
that, having opened her,
the people will not let her
to themselves in harm,
as it was with all known kinds of force.

it is enough only to touch,
and there comes an enlightenment,
and it is sometimes better
and to not know
about some things.


All that occurs to me -
there is sliding water,
its layers in itself.

As it occurs to me is not conducted.
But I know one:
this movement also is I!

I go along the street of city,
or meal in urban transport,
- I am moved in myself.

All that occurs to me,
that surrounds me
only different layers one whole.
And to not understand it
it is impossible.

As it is necessary
to understand,
that in the afternoon the Sun shines,
and night the Moon,
when overcast -
the sky is tightened by clouds,
and when it is raining -
you feel humidity of air,
and even, if very much will be lucky,
drop of water at itself on the person.

And you go, go,
and idea yours smoothly spill
over one in another,
gradually enriching you.

And suddenly you are imperceptible for
yourselves understand,
that have had a long walk and
it is time home,
you see the life proceeds,
the holiday proceeds
also which you have inspired
to yourselves.

You turn,
choosing a new direction
so that to appear at home short cut.

You feel by the captain
of the huge liner,
or ship,
you feel responsibility,
which accompanies
with your decision and action,
you feel pleasure from own life
filled by such important things,
as management of own life.

From comprehension of this fact
you would like to shout for pleasure,
but you restrain by ,
thus, saving up precious energy of
the essence a little.

She still is useful to you,
you see so it is a lot of some
more important businesses
is laid up in your life.
For example,
you have read by a tram a ridiculous word,
or at all word, and whole expression,
and has smiled -
on it energy of your essence too is necessary.

And if energy no, where her to take?

The truth does not threaten to you it,
you know where to take that
it is necessary.
It always with you.
Only it was necessary to learn
it to use.

Simply to learn.

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